Revello and its history
Revello and its history
The castle used to comprehend 3 towers, in 1810 a big part of it was demolished. Nowadays it is destined for civic offices. On the first floor, the Marquess Chapel is conserved with beautiful frescos of the 15th century. The old shed of the market-hall is still supported by 15th century columns. The house next to it, an old aristocratic building, is characterized by elegant terracotta decorations.
The roads coming up to the Cloack Tower are surrounded by the ancient walls. The door named “Madonnina”, it’s what there is left of the old fortification around the castle. The Cloack Tower was built by renovating the bell tower of Santa Maria’s church, with the inner museum of the Marquisat. The equipped green area is delimited by the remains of other masonry walls, partly exploited in support of embankments. The upper area, former part of the walls in the past, is now cultivated with vineyards.
Walking along the ancient roads, the remains of the old walls are still visible, as represented in the printing of the “Theatrum Sabaudiae”. The fortification was built in the 16th Century on the remains of an older one, with corridors and embrasures is located on the top of the mountain. Along the path bringing to the fortification, the ancient sanctuary of San Biagio dominates the valley.
Coming up from San Leonardo’s road, the path on the west side of the mountain, people reach the upper castle. It was built probably in the 9th Century, but the remains left in the vegetation are only a few. The printing “ Theatrum Sabaudiae” represents it with 3 corner towers. Walking down, on the path of the castle, people can take the path to reach Santa Sofia church and San Leonardo’s chapel.
The Carrà road is the ancient path on the eastern side of the Montebracco mount.